Near the Col de Petite Cucheron a new tribe came to meet him and offered to guide his troops. For one day they followed these tribesmen who took them to a small valley near St Michel de Maurienne. This is a valley which is blocked by Rocher de la porte which has a precipitous edge several hundred feet high. Above this rock, the path is narrow and has almost no flat ground. To the south, there is a wide open space where an army marching in several parallel columns could enter. Also, this valley is a place where tribes could combine their attack because several side routes lead into this valley. Since Hannibal's cavalry column was in front and the infantry was in the rear, the Gauls could cut the column in two. When the tribesmen attacked, Hannibal sent his infantry against the crowds of natives which gave the mounted troops time to escape. Then Hannnibal, with all his troops, stormed the Rocher de la Porte, and once on the level top the natives were no match for the Carthaginians.